Klanten testimonials

Rob Lipman

Projectleider, VR Twente

Doordat we zowel beroeps als vrijwillige kazernes in 1 systeem hebben, kunnen we de bezetting op verschillende kazernes beter monitoren en is een eventuele onderbezetting ook eenvoudiger op te lossen door personeel binnen hetzelfde systeem uit te wisselen.

Martin Swinden

Warwickshire FRS Resource Manager

"Since April 2018, Warwickshire Fire & Rescue Service (WFRS) have formed an excellent relationship with FireServiceRota (FSR).

With great communication we have been able to build (and continue to develop) a product that has surpassed our expectations.

FSR's open and agile approach has resulted in WFRS receiving an efficient and dynamic rota management system."

Lotte Lodberg Andersen

Chief of Operations, Falck DK

“Thank you, for making it easy for us to choose you. Your product is unique, however your service is just as unique, and very important to us. The feedback we get from our firefighters in the stations working with you, is excellent, and that is just what we need right now.”

Sally Edwards

Shropshire ICT Manager

"Fire Service Rota have demonstrated their ability and desire to continually improve their product to meet their customer needs.

There was naturally some nervousness regarding geography because they are not UK based but everyone they have worked with is impressed with their responsiveness and helpful guidance and support.

It is very refreshing to work with them and I am confident we will continue to build and strengthen our partnership over many years to come."